Business Aviation News

Business Aviation Salaries Continue to Rise, says NBAA Survey

Business Aviation Salaries Continue to Rise, says NBAA Survey

The average budget for salary increases in business aviation surged by 42% in 2022 over the prior year, up by 13% over last year’s actual spend.

However, the largest budgets were seen in the smallest organizations, according to the 2022 NBAA Compensation Survey, where 382 NBAA member participants provided data for 3,092 flight department employees.

The survey gives hiring managers and aviation directors the information crucial to retaining their most valuable workers and attracting the best of the industry’s new talent.

“The business aviation community operates in a new world, where competitors are just as likely to be Part 121 operators as they are other flight departments or management companies, and where the salaries of every legacy carrier, ultra-low-cost airline and cargo operator are shared as very public infographics on social media,” said Jo Damato, Senior Vice President of Education, Training and Workforce Development, NBAA.