Asian Sky Quarterly – 2020 Q4

Asian Sky Quarterly – 2020 Q4

  • China’s robust response to the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 saw its economy bounce back from a first-quarter contraction to finish the year back in positive territory. This positivity was also seen in our Moods and Intentions Survey, where 78% of respondents were optimistic about the Chinese economy – the highest percentage in the past three years.
  • Early 2020 saw flight activity in Asia-Pacific drop by up to 70%. Since April, the number of flights has been steadily increasing. A big part of that rebound is due to domestic flying, especially within the larger Asia-Pacific countries.
  • If we were looking for an indisputable sign that the recovery was underway, then the number of aircraft transactions completed in the second half of the year would be it.

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