Civil Helicopters News

Enstrom Receives FAA Production Certificate

Enstrom Receives FAA Production Certificate

Enstrom has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s production certificate, which will enable the Michigan-based rotorcraft OEM to manufacture Enstrom helicopter parts.

Doug Smith, VP of Quality Assurance, Enstrom, received production certificate No. 26CE in person at the Minneapolis Manufacturing Inspection District Office (MIDO).

Enstrom said it has done a large amount of work in the past six months to obtain the production certification, which serves as “an important milestone for any aircraft OEM” to speed up their services.

Before hitting this encouraging milestone, the manufacturer had been struggling to make ends meet due to the shrinking market during the pandemic. It almost ended its service of more than 60 years until Indiana-based entrepreneur Chuck Surack purchased all of Enstrom’s assets in May 2022.

“I am so proud of the team at Enstrom,” said Surack, Enstrom’s owner. “To go from where we started to receive a production certificate in only six months is just incredible. We are on pace to start delivering helicopters this spring, and in fact the first new Enstroms are already coming down the line!”