Advanced Air Mobility News

EHang’s EH216 Completes Maiden Test Flight in Spain

EHang’s EH216 Completes Maiden Test Flight in Spain

EHang’s EH216 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) has completed its maiden flight at the National Academy of Police in Ávila, Spain, according to a press release issued by the China-based autonomous aerial vehicle company.

The Spanish National Police, which has been cooperating with EHang since 2021, conducted the flight and notes that it plans to apply EH216 AAV for future emergency and public safety missions.

Officials from the Spanish State for Security, the Spanish National Police, the Spanish State Aviation Safety Agency and members of academic institutions attended the flight ceremony.

“The SNP is the first security institution in the European Union to operate an AAV. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) constitute an alternative technological asset for multiple purposes, such as deployment in dangerous areas following a natural disaster or an accident, without endangering human lives,” said Rafael Pérez, Secretary, the Spanish State for Security.

“EHang is proud to partner with a law enforcement agency and support SNP with our AAV technologies to fulfill emergency response and public safety missions,” said Victoria Jing Xiang, Chief Operating Officer, EHang Europe and Latin America, adding that the partnership lays a foundation for the deployment of Urban Air Mobility in Europe.