Business Aviation News

Environmental Protestors Disrupt CJI London

Environmental Protestors Disrupt CJI London

Several environmental protestors managed to stage a small protest during the Corporate Jet Investor London event.

Having managed to evade security by entering the event using a well-known company name, at least two protestors stood up during a presentation and began shouting about how business aircraft were bad for the environment.

Ironically, the protest happened during the opening session, which was a presentation by Athar Husain Khan from the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), called ‘Is Business Aviation Under Attack?’.

The protest started when a fake delegate started to make a point from one side of the room, meanwhile, on the opposite side of the room another protestor began shouting and screaming.

Security swiftly dealt with the protestors and removed all protestors from the room. The conference continued after a brief pause.

Later during his presentation, Husain Kahn showed a slide detailing the work the business aviation is doing to reduce its carbon footprint. A delegate was later applauded for suggesting the EBAA, as well as other associations, should be trying to tell its message to the mainstream media, rather than just focussing on telling the message to those already involved in business aviation.

The protestors were later seen outside the event shooting a video, where the lead protestor was heard saying that the conference was disrupted as private jet travel is reserved for the rich, who do not care about the environmental impact of flying on private jets.

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