Business Aviation News

Dassault CEO: Decarbonization Requires Step-by-step Approach

Dassault CEO: Decarbonization Requires Step-by-step Approach

Dassault CEO and Chairman, Eric Trappier, addressed the pressing environmental concerns in the business aviation industry, emphasizing the need for a “step-by-step” approach to tackle the issues.

Trappier’s remarks come amid growing protests against private jets, which have become somewhat of a trend in Europe. Shortly after Trappier’s speech at the European Business Aviation Exhibition & Convention (EBACE), climate activists staged a protest during the exhibition against using private jets on May 23, saying that private jets are “burning the planet’s future.”

“Lately, business jet bashing has been a bit of a sport in Europe. Our best defense, as always, is to demonstrate that we are embracing emissions-reducing targets,” said Trappier during a speech at the EBACE. “Decarbonization of our industry will be possible only on a step-by-step basis.”

When business aviation is trying hard to decarbonize, Trappier pointed out approaches such as using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and optimizing aircraft operation, which Dassault is also working on. He emphasized that SAF, in the near term, is the most effective solution for reducing CO2 emissions in the industry.

“In the near term, sustainable aviation fuel is the best solution to reducing CO2 emissions,” Trappier said, adding that Dassault is offering SAF at the Le Bourget FBO and the completion and service center in Little Rock, Arkansas.

“All our flights are performed with a blend of 30% SAF, which exceeds by far the requirements of the European Union ReFuel initiative. Our customers are also using SAF, where it’s available,” he added.

Trappier also underscored the importance of additional taxonomy incentives being developed by the European Commission, which will encourage sustainable investments and contribute to the decarbonization of the aviation industry.

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