Business Aviation Market Intelligence

Regional Overview – Business Jet Fleet Report YE 2021

Regional Overview – Business Jet Fleet Report YE 2021

There was a total of 1,215 business jets in Asia-Pacific at the end of 2021, a 1.06% decrease from the 1,228 jets at the end of 2020.

Although East Asia only accounts for 7% of the total fleet operating in Asia-Pacific, it outperformed all
other subregions. During 2021 the East Asia fleet recovered to pre-pandemic levels with the addition
of 11 aircraft, which is equivalent to 14.9% growth throughout the year. Both Japan and South Korea saw
significant percentage increases in the size of their fleets during 2021.

Oceania is the only subregion that has experienced continuous fleet growth since 2014. Despite Australia’s fleet decreasing by two aircraft, Oceania’s fleet grew by five aircraft thanks to New Zealand’s fleet jumping up by 31.8% with the addition of seven aircraft.

India led the change in South Asia. Following a year of no growth in 2020, South Asia saw a minor increase of 2.9% with the addition of four jets in 2021.

Similar to South Asia, Southeast Asia had no overall fleet change in 2020, yet in 2021, Southeast Asia’s
fleet dropped by seven aircraft, resulting in a 2.6% decrease. Despite the decline, the 263 business jets in the Southeast Asia fleet at the end of 2021 meant that it kept its spot as the second biggest fleet in the
Asia-Pacific region.

Greater China saw the most dramatic decrease, with its 5.1% decline attributed to a net loss of 26
business jets in 2021. The fleets in Hong Kong SAR, mainland China and Taiwan all shrank in 2021, but on different levels, whereas the fleet in Macao SAR has not changed for three years. A large proportion of the fleet that left Hong Kong SAR and mainland China also left the Asia-Pacific region completely and went to the United States. Greater China retained its position as the largest fleet in the Asia-Pacific region, although it also saw the steepest decline.

Overall, the Asia-Pacific fleet experienced a decline for the first time since we have been tracking the numbers. This trend may continue in 2022 as uncertainty brought on by the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine War has affected various industries, including the business jet market.