Business Aviation Market Intelligence

IADA Market Report First Quarter 2022

IADA Market Report First Quarter 2022

On behalf of IADA, I’m proud to present the first quarter 2022 IADA Market Report.

As everyone knows, we live in tumultuous times. Despite that, the aviation field continues to show extraordinary strength. Global demand is very high. And, much like the fourth quarter of 2021, that demand is married to constrained inventory levels. From a qualitative point of view, our members sense a softening of those constraints and look forward to greater inventory levels as the year progresses.

IADA members report a 35.2% increase in closed deals compared with the first quarter of 2021.

IADA Accredited Dealers buy and sell more aircraft by dollar volume than the rest of the world’s dealers combined. This global impact and input help to make the IADA Market Report the go-to review of the business aircraft market. Two important factors make up the report: The first is the IADA Accredited Dealers’ market perspective taken from a survey of the entire IADA membership. The second is actual sales data supplied by IADA members to support those points of view; IADA Accredited Dealers submit monthly transaction and activities to IADA’s online sales organization, AircraftExchange.

There is great power in our collective. IADA dealers continue to transact sales even when inventory levels are at historically low levels.

We will be conducting the IADA Perspective Survey at the end of each quarter and will present results, along with sales data, at the beginning of the following quarter.

IADA wishes you continued success throughout 2022.


Executive Director, IADA

General Market Conditions

The following data is derived from questions that measure members’ overall perspectives on the future of the used aircraft sales market over the next six months, including finance, leasing and commissions. Responses are reported on a 1-5 scale, with 1 meaning “worst ever” and 5 meaning “best ever.”

Respondents report that current market conditions are “better than normal” for Q1. Current market conditions are driven by a near-total lack of inventory and high demand.

6-Month Market Sector Outlook

The Q1 responses predict the next six months will continue to bring increases in demand for all sectors of the used aircraft sales market — turboprop, light, medium and large/ULJ — while inventory deficiencies (supply shortfalls) are projected to drive higher prices.

Monthly Activity Reports

The perspectives and projections from IADA Members for the IADA Market Report are supported by the monthly transaction/activity reports submitted by IADA Accredited Dealers through AircraftExchange.

Please note that, in addition to sales data from AircraftExchange listings, the IADA Market Report includes data from all IADA Accredited Dealer activities and transactions, reported in total. Herein is a summary of those reports.